
Quit the new drug

So, what is the new drug ? A drug that is taking the world by storm and destroying the quality of human life, a drug driven by big money and a drug that needs to be eradicated. Name of the drug you ask me ? Porn ! Yes you read it right, pornography is the drug I will talk about in this blog post and also why its bad and how I eventually overcame the addiction.


Porn and pornography has now become a source of sexual education in today’s world. Mainstream pornography is still revolving around same scenes, violence, degrading the female gender and glorifying the degradation. It creates a mental script that guides the sexual experiences. The deeper you fall to this, the more your quality of life and sexual experience falls.

One of the biggest lies everyone and the society sells and tells us is that watching porn is absolutely normal. More and more sites are trying to normalize it and make people accept that this is normal and not a big deal. More and more TV commercials and movies comically show people watching porn, thus making people believe this is normal.

“Porn teaches the viewer that other people’s bodies are more important than their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Love says just the opposite.”

Reasons to quit porn

  1. Cheating

    Watching porn is mostly kept a secret and people tell lies about watching porn most of the time. Ask someone and they would straightaway deny it. Lying to your partner is not good for any relationship but watching other people naked and having sex, sharing their sexual side with other person and a computer screen is plain and simple Cheating. Thus, watching porn is basically cheating your partner, hiding things and making a negative image in your mind. You don’t necessarily have to cheat on your partner and lie about it.

  2. It’s fake 

    Most people think that others know it’s fake, I know its fake. But in actuality, our brain doesn’t know its fake. All the brain knows is that the picture or the images are highly arousing and the more you fall into porn, the more explicit material you need to get aroused, thus making you fall into a fake world.

  3. Relationship performance destroyer

    Furthermore, porn creates very huge unrealistic expectations in a relationship. In one of the most comprehensive studies on porn use ever conducted, researchers found that after being exposed to just softcore sexual material, both men and women were significantly less happy with their partner’s looks, willingness to try new sex acts, and sexual performance.

  4. Its negative

    We hear of countless people telling us about their struggle with porn and how it’s destroying their lives, this tells us how big the drug problem is.
    There is nothing “cool and modern” about watching porn, it just leads you into a vicious cycle of unsatisfying sex. It doesn’t matter if you are a male or female, the negative effects don’t discriminate by gender. It kills the sex drive towards your partner, ultimately killing all the love and relationship.

  5. Romantic ? NO

    So some people think that it makes us learn and try new things every now and then, that’s romantic. A big NO.
    The argument here is that while your partner is being aroused by impossibly enhanced porn performers that look nothing like you and their exaggerated reactions to sex, they are thinking only about you and your relationship? Hahaha, really ?? NO.

  6. It messes up love life and relationships

    As I said in point 4,it kills the sex drive towards your partner. Porn is a drug that kills a relationship and intimacy inside out, poisoning it. It destroys the bonding between two partners and leaves you with nothing but a mental pain.

    Facts are facts: porn is harmful to relationships. Countless studies have been done, showing the correlation between porn use and decreased satisfaction in yourself, your partner, and your relationship as a whole.

    It’s sad, but it’s true. Research has found that after men are exposed to pornography, they rate themselves as less in love with their partner than men who didn’t see any porn. On top of that, another study found that after being exposed to pornographic images, people were more critical of their partner’s appearance, sexual curiosity, sexual performance, and displays of affection.

    So whether you are married or not, it doesn’t matter. Any relationship is extremely threatened when porn is brought into it. I don’t say “porn kills love” just for the fun of it. It’s the scientific truth.


Okay you know all this. Now what ?

Is it that hard to keep the relationship healthy with complete devotion and loyalty without a compromise ? Well, I don’t think so. I have been dating my girlfriend since my first year in undergrad college and we are still going strong, all thanks to quitting the drug, my love for her never goes down and I admit I am attracted to her even more than a TV star or anyone else for the fact.

There are many million people who know the ill effects of porn and have chosen to do something better with their time. They have chosen to quit this drug and save their relationships and their brains from the ill effects of this drug.

Simply because most everyone is wired to want sex at some point, doesn’t mean that everyone looks at porn or that it’s okay for them to do so. In fact, quite the contrary. For anyone who is smart enough to know that porn is harmful, can ruin their sex life, and is inseparably connected to sex trafficking, they don’t want any part of it. Men can, despite what popular culture would have you believe, control themselves when it comes to sex. So can women.

It’s your life and relationship. You decide whats important My belief ? Read below.

“Porn provides a temporary escape into fantasy. True love creates a reality that doesn’t need escaping.”